Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Procrastination Makes Awkward

I have an art book which describes how to draw the human body.

Once upon a time in a fit of inspiration I went online and purchased said book.

I like to draw, I even at times, draw quite well but this drawing well only occurs every once in awhile and most often when I am slightly inebriated.

Go figure.

Anyway, I decided that perhaps I could study how to properly draw the human body and perhaps I might get better at drawing human-like shapes that do not appear to be off kilter.
So I bought the book.

I bought the book three months ago and promptly added it to the pile of books on my shelf.

I pulled it out exactly once and flipped through thinking "Gee I wish I had time to delve into this fascinating book right now but I do not. I should do this soon."

"Soon" turned into... well; never.

I was always working, unable to concentrate, tired, or some other thing which inevitably led to me putting off the studying of this wonderful book.

The other night while I was attempting to fall asleep I thought "I will be very early to work tomorrow. I will be sitting in Starbucks with nothing to do. I SHOULD BRING THE BOOK!"
Excellent idea; one should not sit idle while one could be learning how to draw the human body properly.

Then I remembered that the book contains vast amount of nakedness; "nudes" which might make reading it in public a little, well, strange.

Drawing the human body, makes sense; why would there not be nudes in this book?
But I was not to be deterred and so I shoved the book into my backpack and went to sleep.

This is how I ended up in Starbucks yesterday morning flipping through a drawing book full of naked people.

Why didn't I wait until after work to get out the book and study in the privacy of my room?

Because I am a procrastinator.
Why would I study a book when I can come home and watch Star Wars?

Here's the funny part; people bring books into coffee shops all the time: they sit and read in peace and no one pays any attention to them.

Why should I not do the same?
I entered, got my drink and sat down filled with ideas of all the progress I was going to make, the secrets on the proportions of the body I would discover that always (up to this point I was sure) seemed to evade me.

Unfortunately once I opened and started reading I was sure that anyone who entered would look around and ignore all the people but me because I probably had a neon sign hanging over my head saying something akin to "This girl is looking at NAKED PEOPLE IN PUBLIC." The horrified person would then rip the book from my hands and hold it above their head whilst screaming "j'accuse!" whereupon I would be immediately kicked out Starbucks and my book would be burned.

After these thoughts entered my head I then attempted to justify what I was doing "I'm an artist, how will I learn to draw people properly unless I understand this whole "drawing the human anatomy" thing?"

Then I proceeded to tell myself how ridiculous I was behaving for going through this process.

--Side-note; I did manage to be discreet (I didn't wave the book in front of the faces of the children) but if anyone plopped down next to me they would have been able to see what I was seeing.--

Eventually I managed to feel less awkward and study in peace.

Or moderate peace anyway.

I realize that perhaps looking at this book out in public is not quite what one would consider socially acceptable but dammit, I'm going to learn how to draw people properly and if it makes me have to read the book in public then that's what I'm gonna do.

It is however, unfortunate that I had to revert to such measures in order to read the book that I have had sitting in my room long enough to have read it and practiced drawing many times.

I curse the devil that is procrastination and confess that yes, I too am a lazy person. It's amazing I'm even managing to blog about this.

Just think, if I had managed to pull out the book in the confines of my own room, I would have never suffered images of being thrown out of Starbucks.

Now I look around me and notice all the things that are begging for my attention; and I am filled with resolve: I must do "all the things!"

What things are begging for your attention?

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