Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I haven't had much time to sit down and reflect on the things that have happened these past six months.
Reflection, is, in a way, a time for me to catch my breath, rehash and then release. (mostly)
But for some reason I find myself not really wanting to talk about things. I made some mistakes, and I learned some things. I had a few successes and started two more stories.
I think I get a wee bit crazy with the writing thing, it's almost insane how things just come to me and spill out.

Today is a grey day, it hasn't started raining yet but I have no doubt that it will.
I feel my brain shutting down, my word power is down, I feel as if I can't say all the things that need to be said.

Maybe in this case, silence is the best option.
There are always days where it is better to be silent. The trick is this, know which days they are.
I can't always tell.

I feel like my brain is about to explode, mostly because I have so much in it to write down but I can't.
There is always someone on the computer, and when I get on, there is too much noise, or someone yelling at me in the background because, god forbid, I'm actually on here doing something.
"Use paper." you might say.
There's only so much you can do with paper, the ideas come out too fast, and then I have to transfer it to the computer and I definitely do not get enough time on here to do that.
Yes, this is a rant not a "cool, composed, collected note"

Some days the chaos just gets to be too much.