DISCLAIMER: I don't care for the Republican Party OR the Democrat Party. This note should not be seen as biased towards either party in any way. I am simply stating things without cherishing unequal dislike towards either of the major parties currently in power. That being said: I am merely stating my opinions, you may disagree and I respect that fully. I expect the same respect for my views. And I totally want to have the choice to get married or not made by myself not some law but that's not the issue here.
I just needed to get this off my chest.
This has been bothering me for awhile.
Ever since Obama gave his "My views are evolving" speech about how he supports gay marriage.
Sidenote: It also bothers me that I even have to call it that... it's not like we lable man/woman marriage as "straight marriage"
Anyways, back to the actual subject:
1. Right after Obama gave that whole "I support these people and their marrying" shpeel, he gave a little shaka da' bell donate to my campaign speech.
1. Right after Obama gave that whole "I support these people and their marrying" shpeel, he gave a little shaka da' bell donate to my campaign speech.
You don't believe me?
http://www.cnn.com/2012/05/14/politics/obama-gay-marriage/index.html : The article begins as follows:
"President Barack Obama touched on his recent announcement of support for same-sex marriage, saying at a New York City fundraising event Monday that he believes marriage equality "strengthens families."
http://www.cnn.com/2012/05/14/politics/obama-gay-marriage/index.html : The article begins as follows:
"President Barack Obama touched on his recent announcement of support for same-sex marriage, saying at a New York City fundraising event Monday that he believes marriage equality "strengthens families."
2. His announcement changes nothing.
Everyone is talking about how "historic" this moment is because we have a president who openly supports gay marriage. Excuse me but, however he feels about it personally won't get legislation passed. Also, are we forgetting former president Bill Clinton's attempt to get rid of the ban on gays serving in the military? I think that counts as some form of support.
Everyone is talking about how "historic" this moment is because we have a president who openly supports gay marriage. Excuse me but, however he feels about it personally won't get legislation passed. Also, are we forgetting former president Bill Clinton's attempt to get rid of the ban on gays serving in the military? I think that counts as some form of support.
Okay so he never actually said the words... my point is that Obama's words do not matter. That and I personally do not appreciate being turned into a money-making opportunity. (see below)
3. I absolutely do NOT appreciate being used as a money raising issue.
So to all those pro-gay PACs and Interest Groups that are now financially supporting Obama's bid for re-election.... I'm upset that all it took for ya'll to stand behind Obama was those words. I'm upset that ya'll think this is going to change anything, especially since it takes forever for any sensitive social issue to gain ground in the legislature and get any sort of law passed which will MAJORLY support it. So it won't happen over night and it most probably will not happen if Obama gets re-elected.
So to all those pro-gay PACs and Interest Groups that are now financially supporting Obama's bid for re-election.... I'm upset that all it took for ya'll to stand behind Obama was those words. I'm upset that ya'll think this is going to change anything, especially since it takes forever for any sensitive social issue to gain ground in the legislature and get any sort of law passed which will MAJORLY support it. So it won't happen over night and it most probably will not happen if Obama gets re-elected.
Don't believe me? The economy is still the main issue.
4. When voting, voting on social issues come BEHIND voting on what my PolySci professor would call "Bread and butter issues."
The average american voter when voting will more often take into consideration and vote on issues having to do with their pocketbook BEFORE they take social issues into consideration. Which means that if they're a Republican who supports gay marriage and is also a fiscal conservative, they won't cross over on the ballot or re-register and vote for Democrats who support gay marriage. They will vote for the Republican candidate because that person will generally vote on or propose policies having to do with the economy in accordance to what that fiscally conservative voter would want.
Same for Democratic voters.
In conclusion; voters will most likely focus more on economic issues in the upcoming election and vote along those lines; not social issues lines.
The average american voter when voting will more often take into consideration and vote on issues having to do with their pocketbook BEFORE they take social issues into consideration. Which means that if they're a Republican who supports gay marriage and is also a fiscal conservative, they won't cross over on the ballot or re-register and vote for Democrats who support gay marriage. They will vote for the Republican candidate because that person will generally vote on or propose policies having to do with the economy in accordance to what that fiscally conservative voter would want.
Same for Democratic voters.
In conclusion; voters will most likely focus more on economic issues in the upcoming election and vote along those lines; not social issues lines.
5. What about those who are not registered as Republican or Democrat?
According to Gallup Polls conducted most recently in 2010; those registered as Independant numbered at about 39% which is higher than those registered as Democrat (32%) and those registered as Republican (28%).***
This is totally irrelevant, they'll still vote according to economic issues.
According to Gallup Polls conducted most recently in 2010; those registered as Independant numbered at about 39% which is higher than those registered as Democrat (32%) and those registered as Republican (28%).***
This is totally irrelevant, they'll still vote according to economic issues.
Still don't believe me? Take a look for yourself:
Several polls conducted by several different sources rate the economy as the top most issue and other issues that may have to do with gay marriage/family values etc. as below 10%.
So you say to me, "But I already knew that."
That's good, I'm happy you're politically informed. :) I like knowing that.
I suppose my whole point is that the announcement made by Obama:
1. Does not change anything
2. Was disrespectful in that it was used as a prologue to a "donate to my campaign" speech.
I suppose my whole point is that the announcement made by Obama:
1. Does not change anything
2. Was disrespectful in that it was used as a prologue to a "donate to my campaign" speech.
And that's why I am offended; because I got turned into a thing from which to make money off of.
But I apparently really did learn things in school this semester, that's always good.
But I apparently really did learn things in school this semester, that's always good.
***This data taken from Page 277 Chapter 8 of American Government and Politics Today: The Essentials --By: Barbara A. Bardes, Mack C. Shelley II, & Steffen W. Schmidt
--2011-2012 Edition. © Wadsworth, Cengage Learning
--2011-2012 Edition. © Wadsworth, Cengage Learning