Friday, February 26, 2010

2 For The Day

I realize these are rough so bear with me.

We Are

Empty glass bottle
Blows in the street
Empty hands
Beg to eat

We are deaf ears
Passing be on the road
Eyes blind
Hearts as stone

We are uncaring, unfeeling
Humanity cries out
For all human beings
Are selfish without a doubt

Stop for a moment
Clear out your ears
Listen! For around you
Are cries you must hear

We are
deaf and needy
poor and blind
We are humans who are so greedy

My Request

I have slipped
Back down the slope
I am brought low
I have failed again
Nowhere to turn
Nowhere to go
My hold on this height
Has crumbled I have fallen
To this plight
Sorrow for my mistake
Burns inside
Broken I fall to my knees
Absolve me of my crime
Make me what I should be
Oh the height from which
I have fallen
Once more I stand
Once more cast my lot; all in
Absolve me
Of everything
Absolve me
Of this sinful way I lean
Absolve me
And I shall be clean

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

In My Mind

So I've always wanted to write poetry.
Yesterday I finally finished reading a book of poems and started on another.
Today the poems came out of my head.
And so I give you; five poems for today.


Night comes
as a friend
Her arms
In loving embrace
Over me

Stillness covers
My soul
In a cocoon
I never wish
To end


Day is unbearable
Her voice
It is loud
Voices scream
From inside
Of the crowd
Give me
A moment
In which
There is peace
And I
Shall rescind
My previous

I have
Of late
Felt nothing
At all
But slowly
My heart
Has heeded
Your call
This is
Not good
At all
I must
Pull myself
Away from
Your call


Cry in the night
"I wish to be free"
But not one
Will see you
As you wish to be.

Write on your wrist
Carve it in blood
"This is the truth
I am no dud"

The world it is blind
To all things inside
And many a day
You'll wish you had died.

And lastly the edited version of the poem in the post before this.

Words have fled
You're in my head
I cannot chase you

You've killed my thought
And my head is fraught
With unwanted thoughts
Of you

I'd like to erase
The thoughts of your face
But somehow I cannot.

And so I sit
My mind in mist
My heart says
Forget me not.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Problem or No?

Yes I must have problems.
I am a loyal friend, loyal to a fault.
I want to see everyone I care about happy, sometimes to my own detriment.
If I can help them be happy; I will.
If I have to go out of my way to do it; I will if I can.
If making them happy means that I might be unhappy I will try anyways.
How messed up is that?
is that messed up?

I can't even say this right today.

Words have fled
You're in my mind
I cannot chase you away.

You've killed my thoughts
And my head is fraught
With unwanted thoughts of you

I'd like to erase
The thoughts of your face
But somehow I cannot.

And so I sit
with my mind in mist
My heart says
Forget me not
(^^^^ thats my sad attempt at a poem.)

Thursday, February 4, 2010


This is about a question;
that question is "why"
This is the question that I tend to ask too often.

I recently reconnected with a friend whom I hadn't spoken to for a month or so, we've been chatting over MSN and such.
One day she said something (and I don't quite remember what exactly she said) and I immediately followed her statement with a question; "why?"
She responded "Must you question everything?"
I responded flippantly "Yes."
But then I began to think about what she had said and in viewing our conversation I realized that I did indeed question almost everything.
This unsettled me.

As it turns out, some have no problem questioning everything but I realized that when one questions everything, that means there is a problem.

There is a time and a place for questioning.
There are also certain things which must be questioned in order to prove their worth or plausibility etc.
However, to question everything implies an implicit lack of faith in every single thing.
This is not good.
There are things in the universe that have been set in place for a reason, the hierarchy of authority for example.
We were given parents for a reason, they have indeed lived longer than we have.
Might it be possible that they would know a little more than we ourselves? Perhaps they ought to be listened to just a little bit more than we youngsters tend to.
But our flawed souls rage against the order of things, we push against what has been set in place in an effort to what? Somehow make things better than they are?

From this I conclude that I myself and probably others, have a lack of faith in the things around them.
Past experiences? Something gone terribly wrong? Or perhaps somehow we fancy that we know better than those around us.

Examining myself I find that my past experiences have pushed me to this point.
Perhaps I let things matter much more than they should have.
I will never know.
But I conclude that some effort must be made in order to restore my faith in things.
Perhaps I could simply cut down upon my questioning. Or I could stop myself after I ask why and try to realize why I have asked this question.
I suppose it will be an experiment of sorts.

That is all.